Comprehensive gene expression analysis of IDH1/2 mutant biliary cancers (BC)


Francesca Battaglin, Joanne Xiu, Yasmine Baca, Jia Zeng, Anthony F. Shields, Richard M. Goldberg, Andreas Seeber, Diane Habib, Alberto Puccini, Ryuma Tokunaga, Hiroyuki Arai, Jingyuan Wang, Martin D. Berger, Igor Astaturov, A. Craig Lockhart, Wu Zhang, John L. Marshall, W. Michael Korn, Heinz-Josef Lenz, Anthony El-Khoueiry


Our data show for the first time a distinct gene expression profile characterizing IDH mutant tumors which display significant downregulation of inflammatory response pathways and immune-related genes, coupled with significantly lower B cell infiltration and higher endothelial abundance. • These findings contribute to further the understanding of IDH mutant BC and may inform the future development of rational combination therapies.

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