Precision Oncology Alliance
GI Working Group Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, January 23 from 6:00-8:00 PM PST during the 2025 ASCO GI Cancers Symposium for a lively discussion where we’ll present the exciting new developments taking place within the Caris Precision Oncology Alliance (POA). We’ll share the ways the POA is continuing to advance molecular science, enhance research and scholarly activities in precision oncology, and establish new standards for molecular testing in oncology. If would like to join us please register by filling out the form below.
- 2025 ASCO GI Cancers Symposium
- Marriott Marquis San Francisco
- 780 Mission Street | Room – Sierra G-H
- San Francisco, CA 94103
Proposed Agenda:
- 5:30pm Welcome – Dr. Rachna Schroff, MD; University of Arizona, POA GI Disease Group Chair
- 5:35pm Letters of Intent (LOI) in Progress – Dr. Joanne Xiu, PhD; VP, Clinical and Translational Research at Caris Life Sciences
- 5:45pm ASCO GI Poster Acceptances – Dr. Rachna Schroff
- LOI Presentations:
- 5:55pm – 24-029: Genomic and transcriptional analysis of mismatch repair deficient (MMR-D) pancreatic adenocarcinoma to identify predictors of response to immune checkpoint blockade
- Dr. Harshabad Singh, MBBS; Dana Farber
- 6:05pm – 22-054: Investigating potential impacts of BRAF mutation subclasses in survival outcomes of metastatic CRC patient
- Dr. Ibrahim Sahin, MD; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
- 5:55pm – 24-029: Genomic and transcriptional analysis of mismatch repair deficient (MMR-D) pancreatic adenocarcinoma to identify predictors of response to immune checkpoint blockade
- 6:20pm Caris Life Sciences: The Horizon in GI Oncology – Dr. James Hamrick, MD, MPH; Chairperson Precision Oncology Alliance (POA)
- Closing – Dr. James Hamrick, MD, MPH
*Agenda subject to change
Please fill out the form in its entirety and submit no later than Monday, January 20, 2025.
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